(Carry on with the fights!)

(Carry on with the fights!)

Dear, “Bloom where you are planted”. Randy Felix Malayao, Martyr “To love, to be loved, to never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue...
Querida Claudia Samayoa

Querida Claudia Samayoa

Querida Claudia Samayoa,  Hoy me encuentro en un hermoso lugar en Colombia, reunida con varias mujeres defensoras tan guerreras y valientes que han enfrentado diferentes agresiones por su labor de defensa de derechos, mujeres de Mesoamerica de la Región Andina...
my inner world

my inner world

I would like to address my activist sisters, human rights activists from my region. They are reliable, honest, dedicated and dedicated women, girls who live by leaving their interests far behind, risking their health and even lives. We often discuss values, ideas,...
Dear Precious,

Dear Precious,

Dear Precious, How are you? How is your work in Metro Manila? How is your community? We missed you at the workshop but I know that you have been busy with your urban poor community in BASECO.  Have you met Moro women there is BASECO? Are they involved in your...
Hermana de mi corazón

Hermana de mi corazón

Pues resulta que te pienso, te imagino sonriente, en un campo de hierba fresca, protegida por el cielo azul, los bosques tupidos y el río al ras de tus pies.  Pues resulta de yo te pienso porque hacerlo me llena de alegría, verte aparecer con tu sonrisa...