Recognizing where we speak from
How are our roots woven?

Ethnic identity
Now, identifying as black is considering that I am part of a group. A group that has a history, that has a tradition, a group that is crossed by this history and by the racism produced historically. The place that I occupy can be explained through this.
— Maria Lucia da Silva | Brazil
Feminist identities
And I’m a feminist too. One of the identities I have is that I am a community feminist, a non-imposed feminism, a non-Eurocentric, non-European feminism, but, rather, a feminism that arises from the territory, from the fight against multiple oppressions. That is my expression of identity

Voices of care
Draw a spiral representing your life up to the present moment and locate on the spiral important moments that affirm the identities that you have or have had. To do this activity you can answer the questions:
How do you feel today and how does that make you feel?
How can we ground ourselves in care and dance our revolution?

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