Finding our roots in movement |
How do we imagine future activism?

to question ourselves about care and protection in our activism.
Our hearts beat under the ground and root ourselves to resist and to continue
dancing our revolution with care at the center of life.
Through these dialogues of the Global South, we are committed to life, to continuing to nurture our roots so that they can flourish and sprout new seeds. We believe in continuing to weave together the activisms that we dream of, and for this, we know that it is necessary to remember and to act through our hearts.
Rooting ourselves through perspectives on care and protection

Rooting ourselves through solidarity
— María Témpora | Peru
Rooting ourselves through our emotions
— Danelly Estupiñán Valencia | Colombia

Voices of care
Draw yourself as a tree with deep roots. Go into your memory and history, where are you now and where would you like to grow in the future?
Hear how activists take root to dream other ways of dancing the revolution throug care.
How can we ground ourselves in care and dance our revolution?

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